Monday, May 9, 2011

Our Baby Shower

Saturday we had our Baby Shower!

We decided on a very casual joint shower...with lots of friends and family. I am the 6th of 7 children in my family so my family is rather large. I have 2 siblings who live in Utah and a sister who lives in Washington with her family, every one of them made the trip for our Shower...because my family is amazing.

The shower had a Blue and Yellow color scheme with a Yellow Rubber Ducky theme.

My bestie, Amy made beautiful flower arrangements for the tables.

My brother, made the best fruit kabobs known to man.

Practically all of my friends and family brought some kind of food, snack or dessert. It was amazing to see everyone come together and work so hard out of so much love to make this day extra special for us.

Of course, I had to bake something sweet for the event...even though it was my own Shower.

I wanted to revisit a recipe I used about a year ago which seemed to be a hit.
I made some black bottom cupcakes for a First Communion party and they were delicious.

But, I wanted to do these ones a bit differently.

I decided on two different versions...
Vanilla Strawberry Cheesecake and Chocolate Caramel Brownie Cheesecake!


So...First, I baked up a small batch of brownies and then cut them into small squares once they had cooled.

I set those aside and had my sister, Amiable step back into her assistant shoes for the night and chop up some strawberries really small with a spoon full of glaze.

Once I had the cake batters and the cheesecake batter ready to go, it went a little something like this:

Spoon full of cake batter
and a few brownie bits

Spoon full of cheesecake batter

Spoon full of cake batter

I did this same process with the Vanilla Strawberry cupcakes, except without the brownies.

Once the cupcakes were cooled and ready to be topped and frosted, it went a little something like this:

A bit of frosting to serve as a wall between the topping and the cupcake

A ring of frosting and a yummy filling (These ones got strawberries and glaze, the others got a spoon full of caramel sauce, sorry I forgot to snap a picture of that)

Then more frosting and some pretty sprinkles!

I had painted my round cupcake tower the day before and wrapped the edges with yellow ribbon.

The morning of the Shower, my niece helped me top each cupcake with a little yellow ducky.

Here they are...ready to be devoured...and they were =)

I didn't even get to eat one!
It's okay...I'm supposed to be staying away from sweets anyways!

It was a wonderful day.

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