Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Chocolate Zucchini Cupcakes

My co-worker brought me this giant zucchini from his garden and asked me if I could use it.

At first I was thinking...zucchini?

Um no, I've never even touched one before.

Then I thought, this could be a great opportunity for me to try something new and different.
Different is what I am all about :)

So I brought this bad boy home and did some research on zucchini recipes...zucchini bread? chocolate zucchini bread? zucchini brownies?

Chocolate Zucchini Cupcakes! Duh!

I also found this to be a great time to try a Chocolate Cream Cheese Buttercream recipe that I've had for a while.

Having never touched a zucchini before, I learned that they have seeds...and that if you are not paying attention these seeds will mess up your shredding process. Don't worry...I picked out all the pieces and scooped out the remaining seeds before continuing to shred :) See...no seeds:

I also got to use all spice for the first time...strong stuff.

These cupcakes were made solely to prove to my co-workers that yummy cupcakes can come from a giant zucchini...they have their doubts.

I also sent some with my sister for her co-workers who were particularly excited about this recipe.

Even though I am on a diet (I know, a baker on a diet...I'm crazy) I had myself a cupcake for dessert...and it was YUMMY!

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