Friday, July 23, 2010

Snickerdoodle Heaven

I promised my friend Amy who lives down south that when she came up to visit this weekend that I would make her any kind of cupcake she wanted.

I gave her a few ideas and she picked SNICKERDOODLE.

When we were in high school we would go to Starbucks on a regular basis and share a venti caramel frappuccino and a snickerdoodle cookie, so her choice was no surprise to me.

I knew Martha Stewart had a snickerdoodle cupcake recipe, it has been on my "Baking To Do List" for quite some time...but I also wanted to do cookies and of course she has a recipe for that too!

Both batters were delicious enough to be served all by themselves, no baking.

Or maybe I just have a problem with dipping my finger in things.

Dear Kitchen Aid mixer, Have I told you lately that I LOVE YOU?

Well, I do...a lot.

You have changed my life.

What lesson did I learn this time?

Don't turn your back on an will cost you a dozen burnt snickerdoodles.

Don't worry, my boyfriend likes burnt cookies and claimed them...whatever floats his boat.

I wanted to make mini cookies for the cupcakes and regular ones for an extra treat.

Ta Da!

Although my cupcakes didn't look quite like Martha's, they are yummy.

I topped them off with a generous amount of vanilla buttercream, then dusted them with some cinnamon and sugar.

I boxed up some of the extra cookies and can't wait to share some with my friend tonight!
Maybe I'll pick us up a venti caramel frappuccino for old times sake :)

UPDATE: Here's a candid shot of my friend Amy eating one of her snickerdoodle cupcakes!

COMING UP: Family Tree Cupcakes, San Francisco 49er Cupcakes and a Chanel Handbag Cake!

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